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3.4 out of 5 stars

TiVo Mini

$149.99 53% off Reference Price
Condition: Factory Reconditioned
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Top positive review
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Works fabulous as long as you have the correct MoCA enabling hardware in place
By PowerShopper on Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2014
Works fabulous as long as you have the correct MoCA enabling hardware in place. When I installed my first Mini, it caused a lot of interference on my home network. My internet was dragged down to a crawl. I pay for the super boost internet service from Comcast and it would take minutes for web pages to load. My TIVO DVR box (at least once) told me that my internet was too slow for it to operate. The stream from the Tivo Mini would freeze periodically. I really wanted the Tivo Mini to work so I could take my box back to Comcast and stop paying $10+ a month for it. People kept talking about the MoCA POE filter on helping on the reviews of the Mini so I had already proactively installed that before I hooked up my first Mini. I went to online forums to see if anyone else had this problem. It appeared that this was not an uncommon problem. So, what did work (as recommended on the online TIVO forums) was installing a Broadband RF 8 output MoCA capable 5-1200MHZ Splitter to that MoCA POE filter which is attached to the cable coming in from outside thereby hooking up all 6 of my cable lines that branched around the house. So the final hookup is: source cable from outside of the house - MoCA POE Filter - Broadband RF 8-output MoCA capable 5 - 1200 MHZ splitter - cables to rest of the house. Previously I had a 5 - 1000 MHZ Splitter. Who would have thought that the extra 200 MHZ would have made all the difference in the world! There may be something else different about the new splitter but I don't know enough about the old splitter to know what that is. I now have my blazing fast internet speed back!!!!!!! I can now get rid of my Comcast boxes and quit paying rent for them. Unfortunately I couldn't find this 8-outlet splitter on, I had to buy it from EBAY.Regarding the Mini, it truly has all the capability of the Tivo Roamio DVR box. It provides a TV guide, access to all my recorded shows and I believe Comcast On Demand but I haven't tried that feature on the TV with the Mini yet. Now I can install my second Mini and buy a few more! Tivo has a special until Jan 3 2015 where all Minis will be permitted to operate under the one monthly fee required for the DVR box.Update Dec 3 2014: The installation of my second Mini was rocky. I had a second splitter in the room with the modem and router where I wanted to install the 2nd Mini. I had split the incoming coax cable (into the room for this review update - I have already discussed my adventures with the splitter on the cable coming into the house above) so that it went both to the modem and to another TV. The splitter that was there (that I installed a few years ago) was a RCA DH24SP 2-way 5 -2400 MHz splitter. That 5- 2400 MHz splitter caused a lot of interference to my internet speed and would not allow the second Mini to initialize. So, I purchased from - Splitter, Broadband RF 2 output MoCA capable 5 - 1002 MHz. That worked. My internet is running smoothly and fast again and my second Tivo Mini initialized and is running fine. The Tivo people really should make a bigger deal about the splitters their customers have to have in their houses before installing a Tivo Mini! Splitters are cheap so Tivo should recommend specific new splitters for their customers to buy on the Tivo web page on as well as on the webpage!
Top critical review
3 people found this helpful
This device is simply amazing in how ancient the software and implementation of its ...
By Larvis Ladonis on Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2015
This device is simply amazing in how ancient the software and implementation of its technology must be.I have FiOS, and my Roamio is connected directly (MoCA) to the FiOS actiontec router. The Mini was a purchase because we moved furniture around in our family room, and there is no cable outlet on the wall where the TV was moved. Simple, I thought. I can buy a TiVo Mini and connect over hard-wired ethernet (in the same room) to the FiOS router.Well, not simple at all. I work in IT and I'm proficient in networking, and this thing is unable to keep a stable connection up for longer than 15 minutes. After that, it can't find the Roamio and drops connections. Sometimes I can watch live TV even when the error message says there is no Host TiVo, sometimes I can watch recordings provided they aren't in a folder. The error messages are never the same.It is inexcusable in 2015 that my $39 Fire TV stick and my $79 Roku can manage to stream Netflix or Hulu or Prime Video in HD across 2 floors from both sides of my house using a mediocre WiFi signal, yet this device can't keep a stable connection alive using a wired ethernet connect directly to a the router sitting 12 feet away.I may revisit my review once I've evaluated the TiVo Mini on its merits as a paperweight in the future, since that's about the only use I can envision for it.I look forward to the day, and I suspect it will be this year, when the notion of a DVR becomes obsolete and I can take every piece of TiVo equipment I've ever purchased, smash them into thousands of pieces, and send back to TiVo with a 5 lb pancake made of elmer's glue and sand so they can start pounding it.

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