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McKlein Laptop Cases

You wanna be a real badass? A made man? Then you have to case the joint. And by "joint" I mean laptop. And by "made man" I mean "guy with a safe, stylishly protected laptop." And by "badass" I mean.. well, badass. Leather is always badass. Except in the case of assless chaps, but then it's bareass, which is close enough.
McKlein official site

Ends on January 11 at 9AM CT

About McKlein Laptop Cases

So you a have a computer job. So what? Sure, in the 80s that meant you were a pocket-protector wearing polyester power-nerd, but the 80s are long gone, and it's now entirely possible to use a computer and be impossibly sexy, all at the same time (check out our tasty Woot writers if you don't believe me). In fact, it's even pretty easy if you're carting your laptop around in a sleek, stylish, leather McKlein.
McKlein official site