A 100-person, 72-hour survival kit designed to prepare a large group of people for any disaster. This comprehensive emergency survival kit contains the most effective and reliable emergency preparedness supplies ideal for sheltering-in-place following an emergency situation. Ideal for an office or school environment. Kit Includes: (100) Emergency Food Bars, (600) Water Pouches, (100) Thermal Blankets, (5) Tube Tents, (5) 5-1 Safety Whistles, (5) 15 Inch Pry/Crow Bars, (5) Rolls of Duct Tape, (5) Plastic Sheeting (100) Tissue Packs, (60) Sanitation/Toilet Bags, (1) Package Toilet Chemicals, (5) Snap-on Toilet Seats - Use with 5-gallon container as a portable toilet, (15) 12-Hour Green Lightsticks, (5) 12-Hour Yellow Lightsticks, (25) 5-Hour Emergency Candles, (5) Boxes Waterproof Matches, (250) Water Purification Tablets, (100) Dust Masks, (10) Pairs Vinyl Gloves (inside first aid kits), (5) Pairs Work Gloves, (5) Solar/Hand-Crank Powered Flashlight & Radios, (1) Survival Guide, (5) 25-Person First Aid Kits, (1000) Potassium Iodide tablets. Kit is packaged in 5-Gallon Air Tight and water-resistant containers.
- Simply the most complete and reliable survival kit on the market
- Great way to ensure that your employees are safe while at work
- Packaged in (15) 5--Gallon durable plastic containers for strategic survival and storage purposes.
- Contains 3 day supply for 100 people of survival food and water that is approved by US Coast Guard to store safely for 5 years even in extreme conditions.
- Includes AM/FM and Weather Band (NOAA) radio, LED flashlight, and USB device charger that never needs batteries
- Simply the most complete and reliable survival kit on the market
- Great way to ensure that your employees are safe while at work
- Packaged in (15) 5--Gallon durable plastic containers for strategic survival and storage purposes.
- Contains 3 day supply for 100 people of survival food and water that is approved by US Coast Guard to store safely for 5 years even in extreme conditions.
- Includes AM/FM and Weather Band (NOAA) radio, LED flashlight, and USB device charger that never needs batteries