Every week in this space, we’ll take a look at the news and offer our own incisive blend of commentary, analysis, and poop jokes. The news you need, from a voice you can trust, in the 90 seconds you have to spare: that’s Woot Weads the Wire.
CAIRO (UPI) -- A ruling in Egypt by the constitutional court Thursday on the legality of the Parliament means the country is back to "Square One," a legal scholar said.
Experts say that it is tragic how this country of engineers and mathematicians has now been reduced to a bunch of people trying to figure out the square root of one.
MARIN COUNTY, Calif., June 18 (UPI) -- A California man is suing the state Department of Fish and Game, claiming a "mismanaged" wild deer attacked him, a court document shows.
The deer has been saving uncollected timesheets for the past eight weeks, and alleges it still has not been informed of what its annual productivity numbers are expected to be.
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Johnny Depp's publicist confirmed Tuesday the Hollywood film star has broken up with his longtime partner, French singer-actress Vanessa Paradis.
Sources say this relationship tattoo will now read "I heart Vans"
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) -- A mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea isn't a UFO, Swedish researchers say, but they add they don't have a sure idea of what it is, either.
Researchers are suggesting it be referred to as a "UWO" or "Unidentified Waterlogged Object" instead.
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court disposed of the Dick Cheney "touching" case earlier this month, but its unsettling lessons will linger for some time.
Historians note that the nation has not known such fear since the 1976 "Stop Hitting Yourself, Mondale" crisis.
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama Saturday urged Americans to tell Congress "stop worrying about the next election and start worrying about the next generation."
Congress replied that it had no power over what J.J. Abrams wanted to do with the Star Trek franchise, but was willing to look into the Firefly situation if asked.
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