Happy Music Monday! Today we honor the birthday of Jacob Cats, a Dutch poet. You all love Dutch poets, don’t you? Sure you do! And that’s why you’ll be joining Scott in this cat-themed tribute today. Or else.
Jacob Cats studied law, and was almost married, but caught a form of malaria just before he took his vows. He moved to England to consult the doctors there, but to no avail. He was finally cured by a traveling doctor who may have been a fraud!
Today’s your day to salute the great Jacob Cats. See you after the jump!
Jacob Cats was knighted by Charles I, and in 1636 was made Grand Pensionary of Holland. In 1648, he was named Keeper Of The Great Seal! And what a seal it was, eh? Eh?
Mongo Santamaria – El Pussy Cat
Jacob Cats had a palatial villa named “Sorghvilet” which translates to “Fly With Care.” Today the garden is a famous park and the house, Catsthuis, is the official residence of the Dutch Prime Minister.
Jacob Cats has written many colloquialisms that are still popular even today! In many Dutch homes, his books were second only to The Bible. And yet, he remains rarely known outside of his home nation.
Jacob Cats, we love you! Just like Elisabeth Van Valkenburg, whom you married in 1602, did! We hope.
Post your favorite Jacob Cats related song in the comments below. And let us just remind you: some images come from the corresponding Wikipedia page and are here under fair use. See you next week. Happy Birthday, Jacob Cats!