Happy Music Monday! Today’s all about you. Without you, where are we? We’re here, but alone. So lonely. Because without a you, there can’t be an us. :(
There’s a lot you and me aren’t. But we’ve got all this, don’t we? And haven’t we developed a relationship over the years? Don’t we matter to each other? SAY YES, PLEASE! WE NEED THE COMMENTS!
There’s more to come inside, and it’s all for you. See you after the jump!
Night Ranger - (You Can Still) Rock In America
Just in case you heard about that Supreme Court case where they supposedly outlawed rocking in America, let us just assure you that it was all just a big misunderstanding. You can still rock all you want. That’s what makes this country great! That and parentheses at the start of song titles!
The Killers - When You Were Young
Remember those great days when you were young? The truth is, it probably kinda sucked from time to time, and a lot of times you were bored, but you never think about THOSE days. The cool stuff is what you think about. Stuff that made you feel like you were living this kinda song. Man. You were the BEST.
You probably already knew about the hidden profanity in this Who song. If you didn’t, you’ll notice it this time. A big ol’ FCC violation and it gets played a few hundred times a day all over the country. Bet that’ll make you laugh every time you hear it from now on!And speaking of FCC issues…
Janet Jackson - When I Think Of You
When we think of you, we’re pleased and happy. We’re glad you’re so much fun and we’re glad you keep coming back. If we could, we’d give you a big ol’ hug. Hooray for you! Hip hip! Hip hip! Hip hip!
Let us just remind you: some of the images you are enjoying come from the corresponding Wikipedia page you can probably figure out and are here under fair use according to the laws of the nation you live in. See you next week. HAPPY YOU DAY!