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Music Monday: Royalty Songs

by Scott Lydon

Happy Music Monday! Today we’re gonna celebrate the royalty of the world. They’ve got it hard, don’t they? Poor royalty. Will no one ever think of your sacrifices?

Thompson Twins - King For A Day


Kings are the top of the royalty heap. To be King for a day implies one could do anything one wanted! And yet, real royalty can’t just do anything they want. Because an unpopular King very quickly breeds a popular rebellion. Or, possibly, an independence referendum. But that’ll be next week.

It’s all about royals this week! See you after the jump!

The Who - The Acid Queen


Queens are a little different than kings. They’re often more loved and respected, and sometimes even adored! But make no mistake: an evil queen’s the worst thing one can possibly be. Check out any random Disney movie if you don’t believe me.

Gene Chandler - Duke Of Earl


This is the first position that a normal guy might be able to get. You can’t become a King without powerful friends and a lot of fighting, but if you do something cool, you might end up becoming a Duke! The secret is showing up at the right parties.

The Stranglers - Duchess


This is one of my favorite songs. Additionally, it’s proof that a hereditary title sometimes is all one needs in life. Imagine how things would be different if you were born knowing you’d always have a home and a steady income as long as you didn’t try to claim the crown for yourself? Such is the glory of being a minor royal.

Queen - Princes Of The Universe


Hey, a Queen song about princes? C’mon. That’s gotta count as a double.

Throw your favorite royal-themed songs into the comments! And no, you can’t just post all the Queen you posted last week. Make an effort, people! Also let us just remind you: some images come from the corresponding Wikipedia page and are here under fair use. See you next week.