Are you a mighty Squarryl, drawing strength and sustenance from the middle-lands? Or a valiant V'owl that soars above the mountain high-lands? Or perhaps you're a stalwart Betta Koi, standing firm against those who would pit their wit against yours?
Keep an eye on your Forums User Info Place (you know, this thing) to see if the mist has changed you yet. Once you've been transformed, take note of your friends. Stare through bitter eyes at your enemies. Peek at the blog now and again to learn what those experience points are all about. And gird your loins for the combat that will inevitably begin at about 11am (Central) on July 11th. For when the battle begins, all loins shall be at risk, and only the most-girded shall arise victoriously!
Curious who's in what Clan? Lichme made a handy cheat-sheet.