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There Can Be Only Pun: Terms and Conditions

by Amy Nance

Woot! Secret Pun Contest; There Can Be Only Pun
Official Rules

No Purchase Necessary

Overview. Allow us to explain. Every week, visit the Woot blog where we’ll combine two categories and ask you to share a corresponding pun. We’ll provide a few examples each week to get things started (e.g., bands/musicians and food…..The Meatles!). We'll also squirrel away one extra pun every week instead of providing it as an example. If someone guesses it, they win. Win what? A Woot coupon code for FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS!*** Unless ...... no one guesses it. Then the value for guessing the secret pun the next week goes up to $10. If no one guesses it again, it'll go up to $15 the following week and build $5 every week until it reaches $25. Then it will stay at $25 until someone gets it, then we'll start all over again.

Eligibility. If you have a Woot account you are eligible to participate in the pun contest. If you do not have a Woot account you can sign up today. By signing up and participating in the pun contest you agree to the Woot terms of use and privacy policy.

Submitting a Pun. Visit and sign in to your account. Click on the contest blog post for the current week and share your pun as a comment on the blog. Have more than one pun to share? Excellent. Share as many as you want.

Winners. At the end of each week we’ll post our secret pun along with the name of the (first) person to guess it. Winners will also receive an email to the email address associated with their Woot account with instructions on how to redeem their prize. Each winner will be responsible for any/all applicable taxes on their prize. If more than one person guesses a secret pun the prize will only be awarded to the first person to guess the pun. Blog comments are time stamped so we’ll know who to send the spoils to. Also, “almost” guessing the secret pun won’t get you to victory lane; the pun provided must be an exact match to our secret pun.

We’d like to continue the contest each and every week, however we may take a break now and then and may also terminate the contest at any time; we reserve that right!

***Excludes Wine.Woot and expires 30 days after we give you the code. We’ll tell you the exact expiration date and time when we bestow the code upon you.