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There Can Be Only Pun: Soupy World Leaders

by Sean Adams

You guys, I have an addiction. I'm addicted to puns. I need them. I can't get enough of them. I HUNGER FOR THEM. That's why I've set up this weekly blog feature: so you guys can feed my addiction. Every week, I'll name the topic, give you some examples, and then you'll pun away in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter. I'll choose the best ones and post them here next week. Sound good? Good! Let's do it!

THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: Soupy World Leaders

We're excited about the future king of England getting born, super excited, in fact. You might even say, SOUP-er excited. Hahahahaha! But seriously, we're doing soup world leader puns this week. Check it:

  • Minestrone Blair
  • Boutros Boutros Barley
  • Phởdel Castro

So leaders and dictators, really. And it doesn't matter if they're still leading or dictating now. Anyone from history will do. So post away and I'll choose my fave!

Last Week's Winner (Bathroom Reads): What to Expect When You're Expelling from Marcee Pauff on Facebook.

Other Favorites: Love in the Time of Kohler-a from SQUITODE and The Rise & Fall of the Turd Reich from pcrockett83.