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There Can Be Only Pun: Shakespearean Hits

by Sean Adams
You guys, I have an addiction. I'm addicted to puns. I need them. I can't get enough of them. I HUNGER FOR THEM. That's why I've set up this weekly blog feature: so you guys can feed my addiction. Every week, I'll name the topic, give you some examples, and then you'll pun away in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter. I'll choose the best ones and post them here next week. Sound good? Good! Let's do it!

THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: Shakespearean Hits

What if Shakespeare wrote hit songs? I think it'd go a little something like this:

  • Hamlet's Get it On
  • The Two Gentlemen of My Sharona
  • A Midsummer Night of '69

Now you're up. Give me your best puns and I'll give you my favorites next week.

Last Week's Winner (Italian Food Sports Teams): Kibble Big Man from Charles David Dent on Facebook.

Other Favorites: Over the Border Collie from johnnyicemak and all the users who suggested "A Fistful of Collars." There were, like, 20 of you.