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There Can Be Only Pun: A New Weekly Pun Game

by Sean Adams

It seems like I face some new, frustrating dilemma almost every day. For a while, I tried to solve each one on my own, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm in over my head, and I need your help, Wooters! So, each week, I'm going to post a problem that I'm facing and you're going to help me solve it. But here's the catch: the solutions need to be puns. That's right: logic is secondary; puns are the primary goal here. I'll choose the best pun and announce it in next week's post.


You guys, I need your help pronto! It's Halloween TOMORROW, and I've got what I'm wearing all figured out. But I TOTALLY SPACED on a costume for my dog. Here are some ideas I've come up with:

  • Weird Howl Yankovic
  • Kenny Doggins
  • Fido Dostoyevsky

But those aren't good enough. You can do better. So please, post your punny costume ideas in the comments!