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The Contest of Countries: Best Sandwich!

by Sean Adams

We're going to start things off the Contest of Countries Competing Competitively nice and easy - with the BEST SANDWICH category! Who will win this all out between-bread brawl? That's for you to decide! But first, let's the meet the competitors (voting below contestants):

Representing Greece, the gyro:

photo from ginnerobot

Representing the United States, the grilled cheese:

photo from Kitchen of a Navy Wife

Representing Germany, the hamburger:

photo from kalleboo

Representing Mexico, the torta:

photo from jeffk

Representing Vietnam, the banh mi:

photo from ozmafan

Representing Italy, the panini:

photo from Tom Ipri

Representing Turkey, the shawarma:

photo from avlxyz

Now please, vote on your favorite, and be sure to hit SUBMIT or else your vote won't count!

All photos used under a Creative Commons License.