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Music Monday: Best Daddy Songs

by Scott Lydon

It's Music Monday! And more importantly, it's the start of our "Dad Week" here on the blog. In honor of Father's Day, Scott'll be looking at some of the best dad songs of all time. Join him after the jump for five tracks, a link to our Spotify playlist, and lots of comments explaining what songs left out!

Okay, you're all thinking it, so why save it for last? Let's go ahead and watch Scott drop the biggest, baddest, most memorable father-bomb there is.

Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle

If you're male, and you have a father, this song makes you hold back tears. Maybe you act tough in front of your guy friends but don't worry, we all know they're feeling the same way. This ode to misspent fatherdom is sappy, schmaltzy, goofy, and every guy on the planet can recognize it in about three notes. Ladies, you've got Titanic, and us men have "Cat's In The Cradle." Such is life.

And now, we can all move on. However, before we jump into the next four, remember our Spotify playlist will be featuring a great selection from last week's Music Monday comments. The theme of the mix this time is Good Intro Licks and we think you'll be singing along with the guitar. Just on't rock out just yet, because you've still got some dad songs coming…

The Beach Boys - Child Is Father Of The Man

What other band unites old Conservatives, young Hipsters, middle-aged Audiophiles and people who watched early 90s TV? Brian Wilson mastered studio work to the point of inspiring The Beatles, but he's usually remembered for singing about girls, cars and love. It's no wonder this song is simultaneously wholesome and bizarre… just like a Dad should be! They had a life before you were born, you know.

U2 - Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car

Bono and his devil horns are clearly using "Daddy" in a dark, sinister, ironic way, but this song has a great beat, and does cover the major role of a father: protecting their kids till it hurts. And let's face it, if one of Bono's kids crashed their car, he'd probably just buy them a dealership and be done with it.

Sinead O'Connor - Daddy I'm Fine NSFW lyrics

Sinead O'Connor has been known for controversy, but this song… well, you might find it lyrically daring, but listen to what it really says. "Daddy, I'm Fine" is a letter from a girl who wanted to be a rock star and went out and did it. Reverse the genders and it's pretty much a million other rock songs about wild boys making their fathers proud. So why can't a girl do the same thing? Maybe Dad doesn't care to hear all the intimate details, but to know his daughter found her own life where she can be happy and successful… well, isn't that a father's true goal?

Foreigner - Juke Box Hero

Call it vanity if you wanna, but this one goes out to my dad, who once told me how much he loved this classic rocker. It's fair, too, because every dad was once a young man, and what young man hasn't felt the siren song of the electric guitar? This one's for you, Mike Lydon. Sincerely, your loving and grateful son.

Remember, Father's Day is this coming Sunday, so wrap those knives, beer and steak early! Also maybe take a moment or two and throw YOUR favorite daddy-type song in the comments below. Plus everybody's welcome to join us in our room room for our weekly Music Monday mix. And finally, be aware that some images come from their corresponding Wikipedia page and are here under fair use.